This is my time during the pandemic that struck the world. First I had to learn what a Pandemic was because I thought it was something to do with Pandas. And so like a Panda the Pandemic was both black and white for me. Black because it was sad L during the lockdown – I had to live a boring life, I could not go down to play, do anything while my parents were on office calls every minute, all vacation plans were cancelled, I could not meet the rest of my family, covid 19 cases were increasing, I became lazy and I got addicted to screens, my badminton coaching was cancelled, we all were stuck at home! White because some happy things J also came out during the lockdown – I got to spend quality time with my mother and father, we got to know a lot of type of birds we didn’t know existed, I slept better, I had a long holiday, I ate better and helped my mother in baking and kitchen work, I got to know what my toys are and played with my legos, we did a lot of cleaning and sorting. I got used to staying in the house, I lived a very healthy life. And finally, online classes started. Even though we suffered a lot, it’s always good to think about good things. THE END!
By Kruti Putrevu, 3C
In the beginning month of December through the news, I came to know a virus is spreading in China. Later my parents said the school is closed in the mid of March, and also happy news that all children promoted to the next Grade. I was very happy to stay at home with my family in a safe place. At the very beginning of the holidays, I enjoyed playing with my PS4 Games and my Cricket coaching club. Soon my coaching center also closed. Later in my Society all public gatherings, clubhouse, play area, Badminton court, swimming pool, Gym …. Then I understood and realized this Pandemic situation is very bad and not safe going out of the house. Still, I was happy about staying home, because my house is a Penthouse with Private Garden. My dad arranged a Cricket practice set up, I did cycling too. Slowly all this routine work was getting bored, that time the school sent us a notice that we are going to have an Online class, Happy to see all my friends. Till now I’m enjoying what I’ve. This Pandemic Situation taught me many things. i.e on normal days, we go to Theatre, mall, restaurants, etc… But we can survive happily without this enjoyment.
By Shya Karan A - Grade 3C
In the beginning month of December through the news, I came to know a virus is spreading in China. Later my parents said the school is closed in the mid of March, and also happy news that all children promoted to the next Grade. I was very happy to stay at home with my family in a safe place. At the very beginning of the holidays, I enjoyed playing with my PS4 Games and my Cricket coaching club. Soon my coaching center also closed. Later in my Society all public gatherings, clubhouse, play area, Badminton court, swimming pool, Gym …. Then I understood and realized this Pandemic situation is very bad and not safe going out of the house. Still, I was happy about staying home, because my house is a Penthouse with Private Garden. My dad arranged a Cricket practice set up, I did cycling too. Slowly all this routine work was getting bored, that time the school sent us a notice that we are going to have an Online class, Happy to see all my friends. Till now I’m enjoying what I’ve. This Pandemic Situation taught me many things. i.e on normal days, we go to Theatre, mall, restaurants, etc… But we can survive happily without this enjoyment.
By Shya Karan A - Grade 3C
When the holiday was declared first I was very happy. Later the holidays were not ended. It was boring as we could not go anywhere. I started missing my school, friends, teachers, aunties. I missed the bus and driver uncle. Even my swimming class is stopped and physiotherapy. On my birthday we could not go outside. My mother baked the cake at home and we cut it and celebrated at home. I was happy that my mother and father could not go to the office. They too were at home. Then the online classes started at 9:00. I was glad that I could see my friends and teachers. By this, I could even learn lessons. I joined a virtual music class. I started singing new songs nicely. Then we got the keyboard and headphone. I love playing the keyboard and singing. I practised writing first I was not able to do it,it was yuck. Supriya mam told it was nice. Then I started writing, writing, writing and now I can write on my own. All teachers are happy that I can write. I also started practising walking using the walker. Now I can walk a few steps on my own using a walker. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents and great grandparents. I am waiting to go outside and go to school.
By Akshobhya - Grade 3C
The next day I was ready to go to School the School sent a message that covid-19 had come as the Prime Minister of our country announced total lockdown and the School got shut down. Then I started missing my friends and teachers from School and I felt bored. Then the School started online classes, but then the School announced no online classes. But after 5 days the School started online classes. Then we celebrated my father’s my brother’s and my birthdays. Then we went on a vacation to Warangal & Hyderabad from 22nd October till 16th November. In Hyderabad we celebrated my mother’s birthday then we came back to Bengaluru. Then I started going outside a little. Then we celebrated New year, then came the year 2021. Then the School sent a message that the School had opened. I started asking my parents that I want to go to school but they said the will send me to School after covid-19 goes. So I waited for covid-19 to go.
By Haneesh - Grade 3C
I was ready to go to school and all of a sudden my parents received the information that due to the COVID-19 we all have to stay at home. I sat at home, got bored and got fat too. After some days the online classes started and that made me a little happy. Now I am in Bhuvaneshwar, trying to become thin.
By Aditya M - Grade 3C
It was very difficult to only stay in the house and just roaming around the house. sometimes up sometimes down I miss school and going out, it was the very boring year 2020, I will always remember the year 2020 it was the most boring year ever and I missed my friends both in school and in my villa,I know for some people it was a very scary 2020.I didn’t even dream that we had to take classes on laptops and computers it was very boring taking class alone in a closed room, with no one to talk to, play just sitting on the chair. Only staring at the computer and as the vaccine came I thought that now finally the worst corona and 2020 will disappear but only 2020 went but corona didn’t go I heard the vaccine will take years to reach everyone, I was again sad.
By Shashank - Grade 5
Well, there is nothing else I want to talk about except “WHEN WILL THIS PANDEMIC END?!!”. This coronavirus has become an evil ruler of the world for the past 1 year. There is not a single thing you are allowed to do. Really it is so difficult to live in a life where NO shopping, NO meeting friends and family, NO outside food. You name it, it’s still and standing stubborn NO in front of you. I don’t have anything interesting in life AFTER this new ruler has joined our world. Now I am starting to miss school, I loved the way we used to fight in class before the teacher came in and also liked greeting the teachers and people of the school in the morning with a song. Let me sing it to you:
Gooooooooood Moooorning Maaaaaaaam!!
Gooooooooood Moooorninng Siiir!!
And the teachers are like “Please stop singing it’s annoying “but we never mended our ways. Well, those days are history for me, and I soon want coronavirus to end. I am also proud of our country and want to say a big THANK YOU to our doctors & nurses, scientists, soldiers, and all the people who helped during ours and their difficult times.
By, Ridhima Grade 5
I really didn’t expect to have a change so soon, I don’t really like the lockdown but I can’t also say it’s the worst as it has advantages as well as disadvantages. Every day the first word I say is.”I’m bored” and I have no idea when, how, what I’m about to do all time until tomorrow. So I don’t have a lot to do every day, I just try to remember something important or my favourite things I did before. I had many things to do, but now I just mostly do the short to-do list I have. But things are getting better as I learn many things like life skills, lessons and other informative things. I hope that everything goes back to normal and it will surely will.
By, Ishaan Jaiminy - Grade 4C
Our world
We feel like we are peas in a pod, but you are the only pea inside it. You are disconnected from reality, sucked into your demonic devices.While doing this, you’re subsequently losing your mind. We’ve become sluggish after all these horrible months in distressing isolation. Some are living paradise, others drowning in despair. Some of us are creating new hobbies like playing video games or spending time on social media, but what’s the point! Life will never be fun as long as we are living in this pandemic. Secretly, our hands are reaching to the sky, yearning for sweet freedom. Now your home feels like a prison. Welcome to our world. You sit down on the sofa, slowly reaching for your phone…but just stop and think for a moment, ask yourself why can’t I spend my time doing something creative? Like: Try to expand my art skills? Or write a diary? Or make something useful? At least do something that will boost your energy or calm you down. Just lay down and think about it; think about what the world would be without health workers, nurses, doctors, vets, and even scientists! Stick to their advice. They are our heroes. Yet there’s this pandemic but they are still risking their lives to help you! So be grateful.
By, Malvika Grade 5
During the lockdown, the days were turning more and more boring, I was forced to look and do things on the computer. The only thing that made me happy was meeting my grandma and staying at her place for one month. I felt miserable, as I couldn’t meet anyone. I felt as lonely as an eagle in the open sky. I kept looking at the empty roads, hoping that it would be full of people once again, though it seemed like it would never happen. I felt like an animal in the cage, waiting for its freedom but on the good side I got to spend a lot of time with my family, learn the piano and we cooked lots of food like cakes Gobi Manchurian and so on and I also got introduced to David Walliams books, now he is my favorite author.
By, Sahil - Grade 4C
On a nice evening when I was eating a chocolate cake and out of the blue this happened: the school just literally closed because of “THE CORONA VIRUS” then I didn’t know what is my reaction because I had almost every reaction you could think of. After a few days, this thing called “THE ONLINE EVERYTHING” has started like the torn jeans trend which is awesome but this thing is the opposite thing. The online everything is just a piece of baloney like a ridiculous thing I mean who can’t go and buy vegetables in the neighbouring shop these people are lazy sloths they are ordering “EVERYTHING” online who knows if those vegetables are even vegetables same with meat, I know most of those chicken that you are ordering online is not chicken at all. You know those times when the exams are approaching you and your dream will be to get good grades the same with couch potatoes it’s a dream for them to get a lockdown so that they can watch tv 24\7.then after 1 month the online classes have started it wasn’t as good as the “REAL SCHOOL” who knows who might be learning or watching YouTube in the middle of the class and it’s so boring. For a few months, I thought it was the end of the world which is not a pleasant experience, to say the least. The pandemic is like a joke to everyone I’m sure a fraction of people doesn’t wash their hands or legs. About 1 year later I’m as you’d expect sitting in front of my laptop for the online class. I’m still waiting to get vaccinated. The pandemic is so boriiiiiiiiiiiing so for the company they are getting dogs or cats and I also want one. I don’t know what in the world should we do in-home except for online class I want to go to the mall but NO because of covid 19. There is a movie called COVID 21: LETHAL VIRUS. Who is a staycation person? whoever it is you probably should go on a real vacation. Because of covid 19 I don’t even know the meaning of “VEGAN” wait I’m googling it ok it means food that is not from animals even milk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you even live without dairy products? Why am I talking about all this this is about the pandemic and me. I’m very good at spelling because of this irksome thing I’m confused between ” pumpkin or pumpkin.” For some reason, my friend’s dog chased me for about 10 seconds. I did some fun stuff in the pandemic boring stuff. What did you do in pandemic???????????? I don’t want to say these two phrases STAY HOME STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!
By, Puneeth - Grade 5
It’s almost a year since the pandemic started! I feel like it only started yesterday, at the same time, I feel like it’s been ages since I last saw my friends; the pandemic seems to drag on and on! I’ve never felt this before, time’s moving fast and slow! Nowadays, I wonder how the teachers taught so fast and we learnt so quick, I also wonder how we, students completed all of our homework in a day, yet we managed to get time to play with our friends for practically one hour! Can you imagine, getting tons of homework, completing it so quickly that you can play for an entire hour?! I know, now it somehow seems impossible! I’ll admit, I used to wonder how amazing life on laptops and computers would be, now, I take that back, I detest life online! What could be as mundanely boring as online classes, online posts, online everything? Who can spend hours and hours on their computer/laptop? Think about it, now, practically everyone!!!! How are we not ka-ray-zee? When you’re actually at school, there’s a lot of noise, the students chattering, the shuffling of feet, the teachers scolding the students! Online classes make a huge difference, I NEVER want to see my computer again (even though I’m using it now!)! In normal life (I mean the life before), as I mentioned earlier, we played for an entire hour, now, not a second, no, not even a millisecond or nanosecond! We never got to get the chocolates for others birthdays, making the other grades jealous with the chocolates! It was fun singing “Gooooooooood Moooooorniiiiiiiiing Maaaaaaaa’aaaaaaam/Siiir” And the teacher shouting, “Is it still morning?”, and we continue singing, “Goooood Afteeeernooooooon Maaaa’aaam/Siir” I can’t believe I’m saying typing this, but I’m starting to miss SCHOOL!!! And no, I am not a nutty klutz, hey, you’d agree if you experienced this! But soon, I am going to be a nutty klutz if this pandemic goes on any longer! We’ve come far enough to ask ourselves, “Did somebody just put me on a year quarantine?” Now I hate the saying, “Stay home, Stay Safe!” Now when I want to undo something I write, I look for the ctrl and z, and when I know I make a grammar error, I look for the blue line under it!
By, Akshara - Grade 5
The pandemic. We all know it. The coronavirus pandemic. Our world changed. Our life changed. Everything, as we know, changed. This dreadful, monstrous, alien-like virus had changed the world. The moment the pandemic started; I knew life was going to be oh so different. Maybe, I thought, maybe us humans will be sucked into virtual reality, and I was right. So, a few months later, the lockdown was upon us; schools closed and every other place you could possibly think of, closed. At that time, I was in England. I used to cry because I missed my school. Now, look at us humans now. Everything’s online now; stores, movies, court meetings, classes, just everything. I feel ashamed, knowing that there are people, unlike us, that are struggling and not stopping until they get it. Yes, I’m talking about health carers. They’ve been helping us, even if it means they struggle. I can’t thank them enough. I don’t know how to, but I’ll still say thank you. Thank you, doctors, nurses, scientists, and anybody else. A few months passed, but the lockdown didn’t. My parents thought it was time, time to go back to India. I was stunned. I hated India. With the dust and the pollution, I thought India was the most unpleasant place on earth. (I was wrong, it’s China and Saudi Arabia) So we moved back. Then we went to Kerala, where my grandparents lived. We stayed there until October; and soon we moved back to Bangalore, where I am now. Nobody likes the pandemic. Not even people who spent half their life watching TV. I don’t think, being locked up in your home for almost a year is a pleasant feeling. Nope. Not at all. This is the end of my “essay”. Thank you, my parents, doctors, nurses, health carers, scientists, my friends, my animal companions, and, my family, for getting me through these times.
By, Meghna Nair - Grade 5
The whole world was sailing in the same boat and probably some of them are still. Our lives changed in a few days and we all were home, literally stuck on the laptop and cell phones. So many communications were to happen, a lot of unfinished work to get done, the work stations were to be moved from one place to another. People had to move their homes and their belongings. The world had begun to enter a new normal is what they started calling it, rather than accepting it. In all this, as a teacher, I missed my learners and my school the most. The new normal which was not normal for me, where I had to get up and cook, then come to the bedroom where my class was waiting for me on my laptop table. Sad right? I missed their innocent faces, the naughty ones, the silent ones and all the others, the times where they asked me a 100th time ‘May I use the washroom?’ ‘May I drink some water?’ and many more! The classrooms that were filled with these beautiful kids were now replaced with just one device, their cupboards and their books were replaced with my cupboard and my clothes 🙁 Well, somehow I did adjust because that is the law of nature, we need to accept the change. Even though this change is because of our planet that was hurt in some or the other way by humans.